2020 Spring NEFSC
NEFSC Spr 2020 planning team: Scott Large (NEFSC)
Dr. Scott Large, the Ecosystems Dynamics & Assessment Branch Chief at NOAA’s NEFSC, organized the first NOAA Fisheries Openscapes cohort as a 2-day mini version of the Champions Program. Six teams from NEFSC and UMass Dartmouth participated in-person at this workshop in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Teams left motivated to focus on creating more deliberate, collaborative, open workflows within their team, and second, that they saw other teams as future colleagues, collaborators, and allies for fisheries open data science!
The Fay Lab Manual was a project of one of the teams in this first Openscapes cohort. It is widely used now as an example of a ‘Code of Conduct’ and on-boarding document for a team. {{< fa brands github title="Link to Github repo" >}}
from the Openscapes blog post